Foods For Hair Growth and Thickness That Really Works


Hair growth foods that really worksThere are many reasons behind loss of hair – including hormones, deficiency of nutrient & vitamins, age etc by changing your diet will be helping make the hair thicker, longer and healthier.Also good food for hair growth helps to get dream hair. As we know that everyone’s dream to get long, strong and shiny hair.of course, its important to taking proper diet if you have dry, frizzy, smooth or silky hair.

If you are tried to try the different type of shampoos, oil, and vitamins to grow hair faster and stronger. but do not work. Instead of buying of expensive hair care products you should go with the healthy diet. What you eat can have an effect on the look and condition of your hair. So you have to come to the right place that we mention the list of nutrient-rich foods that help to keep your hair healthy and strong.

Best Foods for hair growth

1. Salmon

The fish contain omega-3 fatty acid that promotes hair growth and keeps it shiny and full. It also contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, including B12, and other vitamins and minerals which are essential to solving hair problems. keep your hair full and long eating fatty fish like salmon or tuna per week.

Salmon For Hair Growth2. Sweet Potatoes

Regularly consuming sweet potatoes is the excellent way to prevent hair loss and keep your scalp healthy.You can eat either boiled or baked potato as you like. Potatoes contain plenty of vitamin C, copper, iron, protein and beta-carotene, which your body converts to vitamin A.

Potatoes for hair growth3. Carrots

In carrot presents vitamin A helps in fastest growing tissues.The best way is to start your day with a glass of carrot juice with additional 1 to 2 teaspoon of lemon juice to make it taste better. You can also eat the carrot in salads and soups.Its good food for hair growth.

carrots for hair growth4. Avocado

Avocado has a high concentration of essential fatty acids, vitamin B and E improves the blood circulation and preventing you from hair loss and breakage, strengthening your scalp. You can add it to your salad. You can grind the avocado with sour cream and make a soothing mixture, apply this paste on your hair and scalp around of 10-15 min before washing off. Its help exfoliates dead skin and cleans up your scalp.

Avocado For hair growth5. Spinach

Spinach and other dark leafy greens, like broccoli are excellent for your health and hair growth also. It contains vitamin A, K, B2, B1, B6, E, C and minerals like iron, manganese, zinc, omega fatty acid which increase the production of oil in your scalp and keep your hair grow healthy and strong. There are the different way to use spinach for taking care of your hair.You can make the paste of spinach and directly apply this paste with the help of fingertip on your scalp and hair also. You can also add spinach juice in your diet.

Spinach For hair growth6. Eggs

Egg contains a large amount of protein and vitamins that make hair more resistant to damage. Applying egg yolk to your scalp is helpful to grow hair fast and get shiny hair. You can make the hair mask by adding olive oil in egg yolk then apply this mask with the help of hair brush or finger on your scalp and hair end.
Eating eggs in your breakfast keep your hair healthy and strong. As you eat that will look in your hair. So eat good nutrient and vitamins in your diet.

Eggs For hair growth7. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain protein, selenium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, vitamin E and B vitamins, its increase blood circulation in your scalp. It stimulates hair growth, moisturizes your hair, prevents hair loss and grey of hair.

Sunflower seeds For hair growth8. Almonds

Almonds have the good amount of nutrients, biotin, and vitamins. Intake of almond indirectly promotes hair growth. Along with eating an almond, you can massage with the almond oil on your scalp and hair. Do this once in a week, I am sure you will experience shiny, strong and hair growth.

Almonds For hair growth9. Citrus Fruits to increase of Vitamin C

Citrus fruit like Lemon, Orange, Pineapple, kiwi, Cantaloupe, Mango, Raspberry And Blackberry etc
contain vitamin C which includes helping to treat and prevent hair loss. It has anti-oxidant properties. Its strength your hair and prevent from breaking so increase the dose of citrus fruit in your diet.You can drink the juice of orange or nimbu paani with honey. Citrus fruits are something you should just not skip.

Citrus Fruits For hair growth10. Nuts and Seeds

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are good for healthy hair. Almond, walnut, and flaxseed contain oils that add to the amount of elastin in your hair.These are rich in omega -3 fatty acid so need to add to your diet. You can add nuts to your breakfast by supplying the essential fats to your hair.

nuts for hair growth11. Barley

Barley has a nutty taste and appearance like wheat. It contains amino acids, carbohydrates and selenium, and vitamins like procyanidin-B3, thiamin, and niacin, which help stimulate hair growth. It increases the red blood cells which help hair loss. You can prefer barley in your breakfast routine.

Barley For hair growth12. Lentils

Lentils contain iron, folic acid, magnesium, protein, vitamin B, potassium, phosphorous and fiber. Folic acid is beneficial for the scalp to improve circulation and hair growth. Try adding lentils in soups, stews, and salads for the healthy diet.

Lentils For hair growth13. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is work excellence for hair growth. You can apply the hair mask of cinnamon with honey. To make this mask you need 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, 1 cup of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of raw honey, mix together both ingredients and apply a gently the paste to your scalp with a brush. After applying, leave it 15-20 min and then wash yours with mild shampoo and conditioner. If you don’t like to apply this mask you may consider cinnamon oil which commonly available in the supermarket.

Cinnamon For hair growth14. Oatmeal

Oat is also helpful to prevent hair loss and treat dandruff also. Oats has rich in omega-3 6 fatty acid. Apply oatmeal in your scalp not only increase circulating blood flow but also exfoliating dead skin cells. Taking of oatmeal in your diet make your hair healthy and long . You can add your favorite dry fruit like almond, sunflower seed etc and fruits like strawberries, blueberries, etc. to make it tastier and nutrient.

Oatmeal For hair growth

I'm John Smith, the founder of BeautyBestCare. This website is created to share grooming and beauty styles and tips. If you want to contact me send email using contact us page.


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